You see many brands nowadays, taking the designs of famous high-end watches and manufacturing it to look exactly the same, except with their logo on it. Is this considered theft? You’ll see as you read further.

Unfortunately, all watch brands don’t have the ability to keep their designs to themselves. Hence, you see so many companies copying designs of high-end watch made by other brands, then creating the watches and sell them with their logos on it without giving credit to the brand that they took the design from for it. For example, brand A created a blue watch with a green thick bezel, unique to their brand, and put their own logo on it. Then brand B took the design of brand A’s watch and made a blue watch with a green thick bezel and put the brand B logo on it.

Some people would say: these companies made these watches for the less unfortunate! And they might have a point. Many people want the same feeling of someone with a high-end watch, but they cannot afford it. Instead, they buy a much cheaper watch with the same design from a different brand. However, the quality of a $150 watch would never compare to a $7000+ watch.

The opposing argument would say: that’s theft, they make money off other brands’ designs and creativity. They are no where further from the truth. Personally, I would never accept that someone make money off my own hard work either. So ask yourself the same question. The quality wouldn’t be as good in an homage watch as it would be in a genuine one anyway.

What should be obvious in this, when you buy something of a high price point you’d not only be purchasing the watch, you would also be purchasing the emotional feeling of achievement of buying such an expensive watch. If you buy a cheap replica, I find brands taking designs of high-end brands and using them as their own is theft, and should not be allowed. What’s your take on this?