Buying a timepiece is an important decision, since you can lose a lot of money for something that wouldn’t even satisfy your needs and wants. Here are some watch types that you must certainly avoid. Do note that the watches shown as pictures here are not what you should not buy, but rather the idea is what you should not buy.

  • A watch that someone wanted you to get over the one you deep down want: Just because someone told you the timepiece you wanted was ugly and horrible, and told you to get something else that you don’t really want, doesn’t mean you have to listen to them, stick to what you want and love.
  • A watch that is just an investment: don’t buy a watch, just to sell it after a few months or years, unless you have a business of course. However, if you’re going to buy a timepiece, make sure its something you truly want, and if you got bored of it after a while, then you can go ahead and sell it. But never buy a timepiece just so you can sell it afterwards. If you want to invest, I’d suggest stocks.
  • A watch from a shady seller: always avoid buying a watch from suspicious sites, no matter how tempting the price is compared to the rest of the market, nor how hard it was to just find someone that sells this certain timepiece that you want. Keep searching in the safe zone, and perhaps you find an even better timepiece.
  • A watch that you cannot afford the service for: just like how a car needs service, timepieces does too. Even if the car was in the same price point of another, the cost of the service would differentiate, same goes to timepieces. If you haven’t considered the cost of servicing the timepiece you want, do so now because the results might only leave you with a bill that you cannot pay for.
  • A watch you can have now over the one you really want: you have a very beautiful timepiece in mind, and you’ve already saved half the amount of money you need, only the rest to save up to, but you see a watch from another brand, looks a lot like the one you want, same complications and everything, but the sweetest thing about it is that you can afford to get it now. The temptation is going to be hard to resist, but trust me, once you get the one you really wanted, you’ll feel great.

You should always listen to your heart, but never ignore your brain. Buying a watch to care for is not an easy decision, you should be careful with what you get for long term satisfactory.