Scammers are everywhere, and there is no doubt about that. So how do you avoid them? Should you only buy from the official dealer and deal with either the high prices or the long waiting lists?

the official retailer is the safest place to get your watch from. Because it is the place where the brand presents itself; you will find the best service there and supposedly a friendlier team of staff. However the prices might be higher than any of the other options but it is the safest one and the guaranteed one for 100% authenticity.

Reputable sellers: people with a reputation of scam-free sales. Do your research about that seller and make sure there are no scams coming from them. Ask about them and make sure there are no red flags for you to not buy from them. Once you guaranteed the authenticity of their watches, feel free to buy as many as you wish.

Avoid shady dealers, they’re mostly common online, they will message you via direct messages trying to give you deals and offers that seem suspicious. If you know the prices of the brand, and they offered you the watch for just 50% of its value, then they’re for sure scamming you either with a Frankenstein watch (authentic watch with aftermarket pieces), or a complete fake one. (click here to find out how to spot a fake watch)